Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Yoga OBservation Essay Example For Students
Yoga OBservation Essay The Rhythm of Your Breath. The Atlanta Yoga is a studio that is housed in a space situated in Midtown West. Atlanta Yoga has been opened for around six years and it offers numerous degrees of yoga classes for people in general. As per Ms. Adele Gale, the proprietor and executive, Atlanta Yoga doesn't have a conventional crucial is there to spread the type of yoga known as Ashtanga, which in Sanskrit implies the eighth appendage. This type of yoga works with synchronization of profound musical breathing and developments. By directing your breathing it helps your body with fortifying the body, assisting with assimilation, managing digestion and assists with diminishing pulse. After entering the structure, I was inundate in a rush of warmth which Ms. Storm disclosed was there to help in discharging undesirable poisons through sweat. The lights were darkened and the air was unwinding with a trace of incense hiding noticeable all around. The class was moderately full with an air feeling of peacefulness and serenity among the members. In the wake of snatching a studio tangle I joined the remainder of the class in the singing warmth. I presently comprehend what the site implied when it prompted us to wear as meager as could be expected under the circumstances. During the seventy-five minutes class we completed a few activities which all centered around the consciousness of the breath. Positions like lying pooch and sitting canine concentrated on keeping up ordinary breathing examples. As we got further along in the activities and various positions, the unendurable warmth really started to feel great and sooner or later the perspiration dribbling off my nose did not exist anymore. The main thing experiencing your psyche was the consistent beat of your breath. It's anything but a class for you to sit and watch however a class that you should member in to completely comprehend the idea of Ashtanga. This class permits you to become in tuned with your body and the beat of your lungs as it breathe in and breathe out. This is a class that I would prescribe to any individual who needs to be on top of their body. Words /Pages : 365/24 .
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Strategic Planning Process adopted in Axpea-Samples for Students
Question: Talk about the Strategic Planning Process embraced in Axpea Education System. Answer: Outline of Strategic Planning in Schools: an interesting expression This article features the new strategies which must be embraced in the schools in this time. It shows that the conventional techniques which are followed in the school don't satisfy the necessities of the school. A few gatherings and research are attempted with the senior instructors and board individuals to plan the new structure and plans of the schools. The procedure of investigation has energized the schools in expanding their arrangements into a key structure. There are different advancements occurring in specific regions, for example, vital turn of events and course of the schools. Appropriate arranging is indispensable and vital and it is one of the significant parts of vital advancement of the schools which must be energized over the long haul (Poirier Newman, 2017). Vital arranging is characterized in different manners by various logicians and researchers. The yearly key arrangement of the schools is one of the major operational plans attempted by the school authority. Researchers, for example, Mintzberg depicted vital arranging as interesting expression and it can never again be viewed as vital arranging. Key arranging mulls over the more extensive point of view of an association and in this way executes them as needs be in the authoritative arrangement. Key arranging can be alluded to as a sound just as a steady arranging process. It should likewise be recognized whether the different results of the key procedure which might be medium term or long haul is fitting and appropriate for the exercises of the school (Ololube et al., 2016). The steady and straight procedure of key arranging includes certain issues and it is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to execute them in down to earth terms. Key arrangement thinks about the current issue instead of things to come ones. The conventional perspective on key arranging stresses in the vital fit and the cutting aspirations which are accessible to fit the assets. The other view features the issue of the utilizing asset which is essential in the satisfaction of the out of reach objectives. This view features the present requests and needs of the training framework. Boisot distinguishes the four principle sorts of reaction, for example, developing methodology, vital arranging, key purpose and business undertaking which are crucial for the key arranging of the schools. The choppiness level in vital arranging is accepted to contribute less to the hierarchical capacity and it is imperative to adjust to this disturbance. The consistent change in the instruction framewor k over the previous years offered ascend to different issues of key arranging of the schools. The schools face different difficulties from the nearby or focal government and they should change in accordance with them appropriately which is considered as a proactive to the association. In specific cases, it is seen that the schools don't comprehend the reason or the plan and consequently there is a ton of disarray among them. Hence, it is indispensable for the schools to adjust to these drawn out arrangement and along these lines adjust a specific system in accomplishing them. They should likewise create operational objective setting as per the new arrangement. Accordingly, it very well may be said that these models helps in unraveling the complexities of arranging which the schools needs to follow. Key arrangement of Axpea Education Academy Key Plan helps in the dynamic of the school to fabricate a strategic, and a legitimate core value. The point of this arrangement is to make sure about the understudies self-improvement and scholastic accomplishment. Strategic Axpea Education Academy The mission of Axpea Education Academy is to give quality and ideal instruction to the understudies. This incorporates creating basic reasoning, making viable correspondence and building fluctuated relationship aptitudes which are important to turn into a perfect individual. The school likewise causes the understudies to contribute, comprehend and prevail in this general public, improving the world a spot to live in. Axpea Education Academy likewise guarantees that the understudy will build up the aptitudes which are given by sound training framework and the shifted capabilities that are basic for the initiative and achievement of the economy. They additionally help in producing the hypothetical and the reasonable information which encourages the understudies to get a legitimate understanding of the world and in this way develop themselves for the network (Albon, Iqbal Pearson). Vision of Axpea Education Academy The vision of Axpea Education Academy is to give legitimate instruction and preparing which will help in building a prosperous economy and furthermore improve the personal satisfaction. The school likewise helps in planning and driving the social methodology in a portion of the ongoing issues, for example, financial strengthening, urbanization, globalization, vote based system, relocation. The school is considered as a significant specialist by the general public which will help in the advancement of basic attributes and it doesn't segregate any person based on station, statement of faith, race or nationality for the improvement of the general public. The school additionally means to be the noticeable pioneer in the inventive and scholarly creation for compelling commitment which helps in satisfying the requests of the general public. Axpea Education Academy likewise intends to be help the understudies to be ethically and mentally solid, mentally bumbling, create amicable and well di sposed relationship, profoundly capable and build up a feeling of good and honorable qualities which will help in the further turn of events. Vital arranging of the Axpea Education Academy The vital arranging of Axpea Education Academy for the following two years are talked about underneath: It will give a wide decision of initiative in improving the getting the hang of, instructing and appraisal of the different instructive results. It will likewise help the experts in the acknowledgment and criticalness of showing learning process, initiative, grant, research and innovation. Continue through a strong and caring condition in the school. It will likewise attempt to improve upgrades the dedication of the staff, understudies, workforce in the social equity, decent variety and vote based citizenship. The school must embrace these standards and advancement to address the changing needs of the general public. The people should likewise think about the different issues which will help them in their vocation. The school should likewise make exceptional arrangement for the disabled understudy. There must be a co-appointment with the administration and the nearby organizations. The school must attempt to give proficient instructional classes to the educators. The understudies must situate in the scholarly experience to help the residents in tackling the issues and contribute for the government assistance of the general public. It will likewise help in creating authority in the improvement of expert and collective relationship in the school, work environment and the network all in all. It will likewise attempt to satisfy the responsibility of the understudies and the staffs, employees of the school (Hu et al., 2017). SWOT Analysis of Axpea Education Academy Quality The school will think about the wellbeing and assurance of their understudies. The enrolment pace of the school is excellent and it is demonstrating a consistent improvement. There will be a harmony between the understudy educator proportion which helps in conveying appropriate training and care to the understudies. The educators will be accessible 24*7 in the library and they generally bolster the understudies in their learning results. There will be a solid coordinated effort inside the different divisions of the school (Johnson, 2015). The school will compose guardians educator meeting on a month to month premise so they can keep in contact with the understudies and comprehend their issues likewise. There will likewise be an arrangement for particular PC labs with all the advanced innovations are accessible for the understudies. Shortcoming There will be an arrangement of particular study hall for the impeded and the truly tested understudies (Goetsch Davis, 2014). There will be constrained open door for the understudies to upgrade their insight and aptitudes. The school won't arrange exceptional instructor preparing programs with the goal that the employees can adjust the most recent showing techniques for the advancement of the understudies. The school authority must co-ordinate with the different neighborhood and legislative offices for the subsidizing of the school every once in a while (Johnston Bate, 2013). Opportunity There will be an open door for the employees to upgrade their educating aptitudes. The graduated class of the schools will likewise give for the advancement of the schools. The schools will offers formative classes to the guardians. The school will likewise energize investment of guardians in different courses. There is likewise an arrangement to acquire changes the learning condition (Wheelan Hunger, 2017). The school will give preparing to the employees and the staffs to embrace the most recent mechanical techniques for the instructing learning process. There will be different open doors which are given by the school position to keep their resources persuaded. They will likewise sort out interschool rivalry and social projects among the instructors and understudies of different schools inside the areas (Knight, 2014). Danger There is rivalry from the other school and Axpea needs to put forth attempts to rival them. The quick climb in the education costs of the understudies will be a danger for the school. The adjustments in the approaches of the school are obligatory as indicated by the instructive pattern and example of that period. The educators won't be furnished with excellent expert improvement courses thus they are compromised in light of the fact that they can't utilize the cutting edge strategies and procedures of instructing. The school won't show satisfactory drive in the arranging procedure of the different projects which are attempted by different schools. Proposals for development of th
Friday, August 21, 2020
Training in Aviva Life Insurance Management Sample
Training in Aviva Life Insurance Management Sample In the era of globalisation and industrialisation, the role of competent and efficient workforce is crucial for the success of any organisation, business, industry or society. In line with the recognised value of human resources, organisations worldwide demonstrated commitment to transforming their employees into high-performing professionals. In this vein, scholarship in organisational management emphasises the importance of setting up a learning-oriented culture and a climate of mutual support, respect and trust (Reed and Signorelli, 2011). As such, human resources managers are expected to embed the values of workplace learning and knowledge sharing among employees to facilitate their acquisition of new skills and abilities while accumulating expertise. Another important aspect of the present-day human resources management concerns sufficient staff preparation, education and training through various initiatives and programmes designated to facilitate and streamline employee profess ional development (Harrison, 2005). Aviva PLC is the leading insurance provider in the UK and one of the largest insurance companies in the world. Aviva group provides services in life insurance, financial savings, fund management, home, fire and auto insurance securities, properties, loan and mortgages. Aviva PLC operates in alignment with investment sales and gross premium incomes generated through successful activities across the globe (Plunkett, 2008). This one of the world’s largest insurance providers employs extensive staff to perform services and operations for the group of Aviva companies in the UK and abroad. The company’s UK workforce accounts for 21,000 members responsible for the productive and successful operation of insurance businesses. In this respect, Aviva life insurance recognises the need for developing and utilising an efficient human resources strategy to cover all people-related aspects. Precisely, Aviva human resources management encompasses staff inspiration and leadership, professional de velopment, recruitment, reward and incentives and talent retention (Aviva, 2017). Competent and sufficient workforce is in the core value of Aviva life insurance, which is reflected in various training solutions and reward systems practiced in order to increase employee motivation and operational productivity. Given credit to the existing empirical evidence of benefits associated with employee training and strategic management, Aviva invests in creating diversified educational and learning opportunities for its workforce as well as building effective human resources management capable to motivate, organise, govern and develop Aviva staff. Recently, Aviva has declared an appointment of a new director of UK human resources assigned to maintain and increase employee motivation and performance through various learning solutions and incentives (Aviva, 2017). Through this act, Aviva indicated its recognition of the need for strategic development and management of human resources as the primary means of facilitating business profitability and growth. Aviva’s commitment to innovation and technology is a well-known fact, which signifies the dependence of its organisational performance on individual employee’s skills and knowledge that require a regular update and upgrade. In this respect, Aviva life insurance assigns a considerable budget for human resource management to enable creation of various learning and development opportunities for the staff. Rewards play a vital role in Aviva’s strategic management of human resources to ensure high level of employee motivation to acquire new knowledge and skills for both personal benefit and organisational goals (Dewan, 2014). Complex systems of rewards and incentives serve to invoke a sense of self-value and confidence in one’s contribution to business development along with professional growth. References Aviva, 2017. UK: Aviva appoints UK human resources director. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2017]. Dewan, A., 2014. Case study: Aviva. Human Resources, 28 July, [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2017]. Harrison, R., 2005. Learning and development. London: CIPD Publishing. Plunkett, J. W., 2008. Plunkett’s investment and securities industry almanac 2008: The only comprehensive guide to the investment and securities industry. Houston, TX: Plunkett Research. Reed, L. and Signorelli, P., 2011. Workplace learning and leadership: A handbook for library and non-profit trainers. Chicago, IL: American Library Association.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Of Discourse by Francis Bacon
In her book Francis Bacon: Discovery and the Art of Discourse (1974), Lisa Jardine argues that Bacons Essays fall squarely under the heading of presentation or method of discourse. They are didactic, in Agricolas sense of presenting knowledge to someone in a form in which it may be believed and assimilated. . . . Basically these essays communicate precepts for the guidance of personal conduct in public affairs, based on Bacons own political experience. In the essay titled Of Discourse, Bacon explains how a person can lead the dance without appearing to dominate a conversation. You may find it worthwhile to compare Bacons aphoristic observations with the lengthier reflections offered by Jonathan Swift in Hints Toward an Essay on Conversation and by Samuel Johnson in Conversation. Of Discourse Some in their discourse desire rather commendation of wit, in being able to hold all arguments, than of judgment, in discerning what is true; as if it were a praise to know what might be said, and not what should be thought. Some have certain common-places and themes, wherein they are good, and want variety; which kind of poverty is for the most part tedious, and, when it is once perceived, ridiculous. The honourablest part of talk is to give the occasion; and again to moderate and pass to somewhat else, for then a man leads the dance. It is good in discourse, and speech of conversation, to vary and intermingle speech of the present occasion with arguments, tales with reasons, asking of questions with telling of opinions, and jest with earnest: for it is a dull thing to tire, and as we say now, to jade any thing too far. As for jest, there be certain things which ought to be privileged from it; namely, religion, matters of state, great persons, any mans present business of importance , any case that deserveth pity; yet there be some that think their wits have been asleep, except they dart out somewhat that is piquant, and to the quick; that is a vein which would be bridled; Parce, puer, stimulis, et fortius utere loris.* And, generally, men ought to find the difference between saltness and bitterness. Certainly, he that hath a satirical vein, as he maketh others afraid of his wit, so he had need be afraid of others memory. He that questioneth much, shall learn much, and content much; but especially if he apply his questions to the skill of the persons whom he asketh; for he shall give them occasion to please themselves in speaking, and himself shall continually gather knowledge; but let his questions not be troublesome, for that is fit for a poser; and let him be sure to leave other men their turns to speak: nay, if there be any that would reign and take up all the time, let him find means to take them oft, and to bring others on, as musicians use to do with those that dance too long galliards. If you dissemble sometimes your knowledge of that you are thought to know, you shall be thought, another time, to know that you know not. Speech of a mans self ought to be seldom, and well chosen. I knew one w as want to say in scorn, He must needs be a wise man, he speaks so much of himself: and there is but one case wherein a man may commend himself with good grace, and that is in commending virtue in another, especially if it be such a virtue whereunto himself pretendeth. Speech of touch towards others should be sparingly used; for discourse ought to be as a field, without coming home to any man. I knew two noblemen, of the west part of England, whereof the one was given to scoff, but kept ever royal cheer in his house; the other would ask of those that had been at the others table, Tell truly, was there never a flout or dry blow given? To which the guest would answer, Such and such a thing passed. The lord would say, I thought he would mar a good dinner. Discretion of speech is more than eloquence; and to speak agreeable to him with whom we deal, is more than to speak in good words, or in good order. A good continued speech, without a good speech of interlocution, shows slowness; and a good reply, or second speech, without a good settled speech, showeth shallowness and weakness. As we see in beasts, that those that are weakest in the course, are yet nimblest in the turn: as it is betwixt the greyhound and the hare. To use too many circumstances, ere one come to the matter, is wearisome; to use none at all, is blunt. Â (1625) * Spare the whip, boy, and hold tighter the reins (Ovid, Metamorphoses).
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Ranking Colleges, Can It Be Unbiased - 1335 Words
The article on â€Å"Rank Colleges, But Rank Them Right has several strong points, one of which is the need for rankings motivated by the increasing demand by students and their parents for credible ranking data. The author, David Leonhardt, effectively appeals to the reader via three avenues: ethos, logos, and pathos. As a columnist, as well as managing editor for the New York Times, Leonhardt is plain spoken and analytical in his data laced commentary on ranking colleges. Included in his summary, lending credibility to the value of and need for rankings are in the following statements: Today the United States ranks ninth among industrialized nations in higher education attainment...; America used to be considered to be â€Å"the most†¦show more content†¦The author points this out in a statement made by Richard R. Beeman, a historian and former dean at the University of Pennsylvania, â€Å"The very idea that universities with very different institutional cultures and program priorities can be compared, and that the resulting ranking can be useful to students, is highly problematic.†One of Leonhard’s weak ethos claims regarding the credibility of rankings emerges in his stating, Measuring how well students learn is incredibly difficult, but there are some worthy efforts being made.†However, the citing he makes of researchers at Indiana Universities further clouds the objectivity needed for unbiased ranking, because students are asked â€Å"how they spend their time and how engaged they are in their education, while another group is measuring whether students become better writes and problem solvers during their college years.†Here Leonhardt artistically uses persuasion and logical reasoning to point out that the measuring tools are subjective, hardly noteworthy of credible rankings for colleges. The author convincingly argues the need for more accurate rankings for universities in this statement â€Å"that can’t rest on a brand name (i.e., his alma mater, Yale). The ones that did well would be rewarded with applications from just the sort of students universities supposedly want --- ones who are willing to keep an open mind and be persuaded by evidence.†U.S. News and World Report have reported rankings since theShow MoreRelatedAmerica Is Not The Greatest Country1547 Words  | 7 Pagestelling him, â€Å"It isn’t.†This persuades him to give his true opinion, and the anchor continues with a speech about why he feels this way. Will McAvoy uses bipartisan journalism to give the audience the impression that his approach on the subject is unbiased to distract them from his anti-American argument. The film begins with a rant between the characters on stage with little relation to the topic of the film. 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Students getting taught four main subjects each day: math, science, history, and science. Then, every year, students typically take one big standardized test, or even more. These tests are claimed to give educators an objective that’s unbiased. Standardized testing supposedly helps identify the natural tendency of individual students, identifying skill development and progress. However, are these things what standardized testing really do for students? Standardized testing only measuresRead MoreEssay on Human Sexuality and Gender Differences1081 Words  | 5 Pagesmay refute this. The issue that this study is concerned with is whether males assign greater weight to physical attributes in selecting romantic partners, while females assign greater weight to personality features. An article in the Journal of College Student Development reported that research found that African American men favored physical characteristics, while African American women favored Social stratification variables. Research published in the journal, Personality and Individual DifferencesRead MoreConflict Between Education And Education1727 Words  | 7 Pagesfundamentally different from and inferior to men...†(Tozer, Senese, Violas, 2013, p. 130 ). In the 19th century girls were permitted to attend school but yet with controlled participation and only in the late 20th century women started attending college in a higher ratio. Education has several concepts but among the leading concepts are the functional and conflict theories. Although both functional and conflict theories consider the same functions of education, functional theory identify education
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Observing The Setup Of The Classroom - 920 Words
On December 4, 2015 we observed the class for which we developed this response plan. Our main objective was to observe the setup of the classroom as well as the different instructional tools the teacher used to enhance her teaching. In addition, we wanted to see what strategies the teacher implemented to help the ELL and autistic students and see if they were similar to what had in our plan. Upon arriving, we observed that the teacher, Ms. Schmitt, had a large classroom with enough space for groups of students to work together. At the front of the classroom, was the teacher’s desk with a smart board behind it. Several other white boards filled the rest of the wall space. The board on the left was used mostly for instructional purposes while the two on the right were filled with vocabulary and important announcements such as upcoming tests dates. The extra space allowed the teacher to interact with all the students individually. Also, we noted that the teacher had placed the E LL students near the front of the room where she could easily help them or ask them to help each other. The students on the Autism spectrum where located near the back of the classroom where they had more room to work with their aids. However, none of these students were completely isolated from the teacher or rest of the class. Rather all of the students were able to easily interact with one another. At the beginning of class the teacher had the students review material from the previous day’s lessonShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Teacher Collaboration1326 Words  | 6 Pagesgoal and shared understanding are important aspects of teacher collaboration. The notion refers to the teacher to teacher interaction regarding instructional and curriculum matters, student evaluation, planning and performing lesson together, and observing peer practice and providing feedback. Research studies often hymn teacher collaboration as a means of improving teachers practice and professionalism, students’ gain and school improvement. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed method approaches areRead More Early Childhood Education Observation1946 Words  | 8 Pagesthe school bell to ring. Walking to the classroom that I will be observing you see students with their parent’s line up waiting to get signed in. The students are to be signed in by a parent or guardian for safety precautions, and shows that the child was signed into school. As a visitor, I am to sign myself in, this shows I was in the classroom, at what time was I there, and reason for visiting the classroom. Introducing myself to Mrs. Smith the classroom teacher, and Mrs. Brown the teaching assistant;Read MoreA Brief Note On Vygotsky And Vygotsky s Theory1497 Words  | 6 Pagesis well known for his social learning, the ZPD and collaborative learning. As an early childhood educator, this is huge and valuable information that I use in my classroom. Not only for the benefit of the children I am responsible for but I also use it to train new teachers that are part of my team. On a daily routine, I setup my classroom to have the children come in and explore the materials that are available. However, I think of ways that I can expand and challenge the children in a more cognitiveRead MoreCherokee Charter Academy : Charter School918 Words  | 4 Pagesthe school does not demonstrate success it will lose its charter. At Cherokee Charter Academy I observed the kindergarten classroom of Ms. Dunlap. Ms. Dunlap has been a kindergarten teacher for ten years. In this classroom, I observed the students, the instruction, standards, and the teacher. As I observed this classroom I noticed the students, teacher, management, and the setup. First, there are twenty-one students in this class and most of them are boys. Another interesting thing about the studentsRead MoreMy Passion For Teaching As A Teacher1465 Words  | 6 Pagesrealized I made the right choice for me. Discovering my passion for teaching evolved from many observations of different teachers in schools, and I developed from my readings and lectures in the classroom. By observing all the different teaching methods, I realized how I want to teach my future classroom. Having strong values, and a passion for educating our youth is necessary for a good teacher. Knowing what grade level you have the most interest in can greatly affect your desire to teach. LearningRead MoreStudents Taking Online Courses On Campus902 Words  | 4 Pagesprofessional level. What makes socializing with professors interesting is getting know them as an individual. Such as teacher to teacher interaction can be a learning experience such as learning that you are never too old to express yourself. By observing the books they have on the shelves, posters they hang in front and inside their office, to even the way organize their work. It’s practically a summary of their academic achievement, likes and dislikes, and motivations. By understanding differentRead MoreThe Theory Of Operant Conditioning And The Skinner Box1707 Words  | 7 Pagesnegative is added to a situation to decrease bad behavior. B.F. Skinner had a significant influence on education. He believed that behavior can only be changed through learning. His discoveries through operant conditioning can be used in education in classrooms today. When a child’s behavior starts to change, that is a signal to the teacher that the child has learned from previous experiences. For example wh en a child raises his or her hand to be called on in class, they wait patiently because the studentRead MoreTeaching Forward : Ed 105 My Middle School Field Experience Essay1618 Words  | 7 Pagesthe eighth grade class who were reading at a first grade level. The â€Å"Reading Club†was instructed by myself in a small library classroom down the hall from their regular class. We went over the same materials, but did it in a fashion that made the boys more compelled to learn by giving them more one-on-one instruction time without completely excluding them from the classroom. The â€Å"Reading Club†became something positive that the boys enjoyed each week. We worked on projects, read chapters in The HungerRead MoreLearning Theories That Can Be Understood And Enforced By Administrators1676 Words  | 7 Pagesothers find it beneficial to stick to one main learning theory (Faiella, 2013). There are behavioral, social, and cognitive theories of learning. Teachers develop these learning theories from personal experiences, experimentation, research, and observing other individual techniques (Wang, 2012). However one comes about developing their learning theories, they use them to better their direction when teaching. Without direction and focus, instruction can be a disarray of information that does notRead MoreEducational Approaches The Froebel And Montessori Methods1577 Words  | 7 Pagesto be a guide to a child’s education and through the journey of learning. Teachers should not be viewed as keepers of knowledge but as someone on the educational journey with the child. The third thing stressed was that the learning environment/classroom should only give the illusion that it is designed for free play for the child. In reality to the teacher it should actually be a very prepared environment. Present always should be the tools to best serve the child’s educational needs and developing
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Leadership and Management Development Skills and Attributes
Question: Discuss about theLeadership and Management Developmentfor Skills and Attributes. Answer: Table Analysis Summary analysis of the knowledge, skills and attributes required of the candidates for the position of Director of Strategy, Marketing, and Public Relations at the Blue Riband Snacks Ltd. Name James McKay Greta Green Emily Schneider Ranking 1st 2nd 3rd Education knowledge BSC (Hons) First Class in Marketing from University of Strathclyde and an MSc in International Business (H1) from Griffith College. 8/10 BA (Hons) First Class in Modern Languages and Business from Trinity College Dublin and MBA from Harvard Business School 6/10 BSc (Hons) Upper Second in Accounting from Queens University Belfast (QUB) and MBA from Griffith College. 5/10 Soft knowledge Friendly, highly sociable, people centered 3/5 Builds consensus, very loyal to the company, honest 3/5 Motivational, people oriented, mentor 5/5 Family given Skills Married with two children - entrenches patience, sense of responsibility. 3/3 Married with one child - entrenches patience, sense of responsibility. 3/3 Unmarried, has a partner 2/3 Formal and Informal on-the-job learning Participated in the development of new brands which meant-research. Informal learning through his juniors and superiors at Blue Riband Snacks. Member of Marketing Institute of Ireland, and represents Ireland on the Board of the European Federation of Marketing. 5/5 Comes from enterprising background most likely that Entrepreneurship skills have been part of her growth to adult. Fifteen year experience at Blue Riband Snacks informal learning from her superiors and juniors. Engages in research being head of the research unit 5/5 Vast experience gained through informal learning having been Co-owner and CEO of Choconoux. A company whose products are considered to be in same consumer group with snacks. Gained informal training by learning through her colleagues at work and her superiors. 5/5 Managerial positions held or Equivalent. Worked as assistant Brand Manager for Diageo for five years. Assistant Brand for Snaxy brand of crisps for one year. Current Brand manager Snaxy. Note Snaxy is the premier brand of Blue Riband Snacks accounting for 38% of total annual revenue being realized by the Blue Riband Snacks Ltd. The brand comes in Potato, Corn and Vegetable varieties. 9/10 Assistant accounts manager for Blue Riband Snacks in various countries including Germany and United Kingdom. Financial controller for continental European Division of the business. Manager research and Development Division Brand Manager for Blue Riband Biscuit Brand responsible for 12% of the companys revenues. 6/10 Chief Executive officer Choconoux. During this time she and her co-owner managed to grew sales of the brand achieving average growth rate of 30% in the year 2010 through 2015. 6/10 Member/Professional bodies/ qualifications Associate member of European Federation of Marketing Associations. Member Marketing Institute of Ireland. 3/5 Chartered Accountant. Member Continental European Division of business. 2/4 - 0/4 Physical Traits Language proficiency Tall, healthy, fit, regular tennis player and hiker. 2/2 English (C2), Irish (C1), Swedish (B1). 2/4 Attractive, healthy, fit, regularly attends gym. 2/2 English (C2), Irish (B2), French (C1), German (C2), Spanish (C1). 4/4 Tall, healthy, athletic, runner and sailor. 2/2 English (C2), French (C1), German (C2), Swedish (B1). 3/4 Style of working and personality Has a reputation for always achieving his goal People-oriented who achieves objectives through others Has an ability to create a positive culture. Empowers others. 4/6 Someone who thinks about the long term Builds consensus Achieves things through authority and authentic leadership 4/6 Good at planning and sticking to the rules A social architect, generally motivational Always achieves the bottom line. People oriented, Good in crisis solving 4/6 Finale grading/ Score 41/50 82% 35/50 70% 30/50 60% James McKay is the most suitable candidate for the position of Director of Strategy, Marketing and Public Relations based on the outcome of the above knowledge, skills and attributes ratings. The role entails considerable high level of workload on marketing and strategic planning. The business deals with consumables which are associated with quite volatile market stability in terms of public perception. The incumbent should therefore be highly knowledgeable in marketing and has consumer taste, a fact very well demonstrated by James Mckay being the brand manger of the companies premier brand. (Mooradian, Matzler and Ring, 2012) Mr. James also boasts of impressive academic records as well as an MBA in International business a trait that marries well with the companies of objective of expanding her market to other foreign countries like Germany, Nordic countries Austria, Spain and Portugal within three years. According to Maslows the theory of Human Motivation, human beings tend get motivated when in friendly environment. This is an important factor that Mr. James brings into the team. The workforce, behind any successful company is motivated and hardworking employees. (Kerin and Peterson, 2001) The incumbent will also most likely be the next Blue Riband Snacks CEO once the current CEO exists. It therefore important that the holder of this role be someone who his /her colleague thinks the future of the company is secured. This especially important to mitigate the prevailing low moral among the company workforce as demonstrated by the research which concluded that a paltry 38% of the workforce thinks the company has a future. This trait is well demonstrated by Mr. James going by the reports that people thinks that Mr. James is likely to become a CEO in future or own his own company. (Wilson and Gilligan, 2005) Vision, Mission and Values A draft Vision, Mission Statement and Statement of Values for Blue Riband Snacks Draft Vision To Position ourselves as the top brand in Snacks market with cutting edge customer satisfaction and well known snack brands within Ireland, Europe and in the world. Draft Mission Statement To continue with our expertise in snacks, a tradition of best quality and taste and consumer driven approach motivated by our strong desire to leave a fulfilling experience with our customers every time they use our products. Draft Statement of Values Quality Products We honor our promise to always produce quality products in the most hygienic way within our service level agreement. Innovative We always expand our brands and come up with new ones in response to customer needs and taste preference from time to time. Efficient We constantly improve our efficiency to have sustainable value addition for highest return on investment possible to our stakeholders. Teamwork The company recognizes our collective efforts of all employees by providing support to each other for optimization. Recommendation Recommended personal and professional development plan for the highest ranked candidate, Mr. James Macky The director will also need to further learn and develop skills on marketing intelligence. This is because the competition always improves on their quality of products and customer. This is a continuous exercise by observing consumer behaviors and conducting training to his sales team right from agents, to brand managers to keep them abreast with the current and latest changes in the market. The company also plans to open retail outlets and caf market intelligent skills will help the director to advice the company where best to set up these outlets. (Gilligan and Wilson, 2003) James should progressively work on his emotions when the team doesnt meet the sales targets assigned. This is phenomenon that is very much likely to happen anytime and if the Director of Strategy, Marketing and Public Relation will be loosing his cool every time targets are not meet, then that is likely to demoralize the employees further considering recent research which reported low morale among the employees of the company. There is no specific time line on this personal development but Mr. James is always expected to be more stable emotionally especially when targets have not been met. He can engage a professional on emotion like a counselor who can then advice him on how best to handle a crisis. The candidate needs to learn and develop professional knowledge and skills in accounting by enrolling in professional courses in accounting within two years. The rational for this that he is likely successor of the current company CEO. Apart from marketing and posting impressive performance in sales the CEO must have deep understanding of the financial position of the company. The CEO advices the board on matters expansion and other major projects that the company is likely to initiate. It is therefore important that the advice is financially sound to avoid leading the company in incurring bad investments that affects cash flow and smooth running of the business. The cost for this development can be met by the candidate or the board may decide to sponsor him. (Jensen and Ronit, 2013) The candidate needs to learn and understand the market dynamics of the healthier sugar free snacks within one year. The rational for this is that when the Blue Riband Snacks Company has a vision to develop this product and wrest fro its market share. He needs to learn what the consumption trend of this product is. The most preferred brand currently in the market and what makes consumers prefer the said brand. The company will need to commission a research on this front using available resources like the brand managers. The brand managers can interview consumers observe the product in the market and note any important aspect noticed. The candidate also needs develop skills and knowledge in oversees markets in Germany, the Nordic countries, Austria, Spain and Portugal. These are the target markets for the company within the next three years. He should learn these skills within the next one year for Germany, the Nordic countries and Austria markets and within two years for Spain and Portugal. These markets provide new challenges because the company doesnt have experience in them as of now but will need it all within the next three years when it plans to have entered these markets. The company can utilize markets consultants in the respective areas to provide the insights. References Acuff, D. and Reiher, R. (2014). What kids buy. [Place of publication not identified]: Free Press. Gilligan, C. and Wilson, R. (2003). Strategic marketing planning. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann. Grunes, B. and Yoakam, L. (2004). Diabetes snacks, treats, easy eats. Chicago: Surrey Books. Jensen, J. and Ronit, K. (2013). Food Industry Firms' Economic Incentives to Provide Nutritional Information to the Market: European Breakfast Cereals, Snacks, and Soft Drinks Industries. Journal of International Food Agribusiness Marketing, 25(3), pp.209-224. Jovanovic, A. (2012). PR in culture - culture in PR. Kultura, (136), pp.325-339. Kerin, R. and Peterson, R. (2001). Strategic marketing problems. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Lane, N. (2009). Special issue: strategic sales and strategic marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 17(3-4), pp.189-190. Mooradian, T., Matzler, K. and Ring, L. (2012). Strategic marketing. Boston, MA: Pearson Prentice Hall. Proctor, T. (2000). Strategic marketing. London: Routledge. Wilson, R. and Gilligan, C. (2005). Strategic marketing management. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Videocracy A Double
Look Deeper into the Abyss – and Watch It Look into You Throughout the history of the world, there has always been the kind of power which could not be suppressed or overthrown. The people of the greatest influence, these beholders of the world’s power were merely the TV officials. Despite the fact that many people consider the TV as merely a means of entertainment, its role is of much more importance for the mankind. Seemingly only a means of entertainment, it shapes people’s ideas of the world and the politics even in a more impressive way tan any political campaign ever undertaken.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Videocracy: A Double-Sided Sword for the Fame-Hungry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Way the Movie Flows In accordance with its name, Videocracy is completely devoted to the role of the mass media in people’s lives. A snapshot of the life path of the great, the miserab le plebs and the cunning in-between specific social layer, journalists, the movie director has managed to show the amazing fusion of tragedy and mockery of the Italian TV. However, was it only the Italian television that the film director depicted? Applied to any other country, this situation would look quite the same. Disclosing the vices of the modern people, their striving not for prosperity, but for money overdose, Eric Gandini created an unforgettable masterpiece which mirrored the lowest of the low which is hidden within people’s souls. It was extremely wise of the film director to choose the shape of a documentary to create the vision of one’s life grasped in the camera focus. It is obvious that there was only one genre which could embrace all the issues which the topic of the movie touches upon. Episodes Merging into a Story In spite of the fact that in the end, shown as a premiere, the movie looks like a complete, whole piece which cannot be separated and take n apart, it must be kept in mind that at the moment of creation the film was a sequence of short scenes and breakdowns. Thus, the original course of the operator’s thoughts can be traced even as the movie is shown to the public, eventually trimmed and with all the unnecessary elements cut. Thus, following the stream of ideas which the movie director sends the audience through, it can be observed that Videocracy has much more than the twists of the plot to expose to the loyal audience. As W. W. Norton noticed, A storyboard is a shot-by-shot (sometimes scene-by-scene) breakdown that combines sketches or photographs of how each shot is to look with written descriptions of the other elements that are to accompany each shot, including dialogue, sound, and music. (Norton 116) Thus, it must be admitted that in Videocracy, the sequence of the breakdowns was linked into a fascinating cadence of the accidents and actions of the lead characters. Making a sequence of episodes, this chain of events was developed into an intrigue spinning around the issue which has always been and will always be on the agenda of the day – people’s concern for the life of celebrities.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A deep and insightful movie offers much more than merely entertainment. Taking a look at the way in which the pieces of the film have been organized, it becomes obvious that there is much more than meets the eye in the movie plot. Although the film cannot be considered what could be called a mocumentary, the author of the film approached the border between the tragic and the comic in Videocracy with help of the expressive and effective mise-en-scenes. Structuring the movie, Gandini enclosed the most significant scenes as the parts which must hook the audience’s attention and increase the excitement. As Norton explained, The visual elements of mise-e n-scene are all so crucial to shaping out sympathy for, and understanding of, the characters shaped by them. (156) It is peculiar that the scenes of the movie create a specific rhythm which is nard to conceive from the very beginning nut which one can feel as the film goes on. It can be traced that some of the scenes float into each other smoothly and softly like a river, yet some of them are roughly interrupted to show the unceasing motion of live going on both in the big world of the great celebrities and the feeble lives of those who follow the track of the celebrities’ lives. One of the most dramatic film episodes, the one in which the lead character watches the life of the celebrities on TV, is the key to the entire movie. It is quite peculiar that with a single scene the film director has managed to open the audience’s eyes on the idea of the movie and on what is concealed behind the film plot. Fixing the audience’s eyes on the ordinary people’s pas sion for the snatches of the celebrities’ lives, Gandini crates a perfect illusion of an ersatz life with all its sad consequences. Looking at a Different Angle The complicacy of movie-making presupposes that the shits should be arranged into a composition which could draw people’s attention to what is happening on the screen in a blink of an eye. Putting people and events in their places is truly a great gift which is rather hard to acquire and completely impossible to master. With his wisdom and the feeling for the film rhythm, the movie director arranged the pieces of the story in a unique, the one and only correct way which made people gasp in awe. As Kawin said, Film composition is dramatically affected by camera placement, not just in terms of camera-to-subject distance, but also in terms of angle. A horizontal line, seen from a certain angle, can become a diagonal or even a vertical. (171)Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Videocracy: A Doub le-Sided Sword for the Fame-Hungry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Indeed, it is absolutely clear that with help of the camera placement the movie obtained the necessary depth and the specific accent on certain elements. Changing the angle of the camera shot, making the objects pop out into the focus of the camera, or, vice versa, hide in the dark of the perspective, the cameraman did an amazing job on the movie. A perfect example of the way the shift of the camera focus made the audience pay specific attention on certain details were the episodes with the lead character watching the celebrities. Exposed to the audience’s gazes, the face of the lead showed the whole palette of the fan’s emotions, while the celebrities in the rear created an impression of pathetic nothingness. Another piece to analyze is the sounding of the movie. Such is the nature of sound that it can either turn the movie into a complete masterpiece, or ruin it completely. In the case of Vidoecracy, the sounding was quite different from the ones in the range of other Italian movies. One of the typical sore spots of the Italian movies, the lack of sound effects, was turned in a movie peculiarity of Videocracy. As LoBrutto marked, â€Å"Italian movies are very sparse. They have dialogue, then music, and then very few sound effects.†(258) It is obvious that Videocracy is no exception; however, taking into consideration the specifics of the movie, one can understand that the abundance of sounds would have spoiled the film. For the movie to look like a snatch of the real life, the true vision of a fan’s existence, his/her thoughts and course of actions, it was absolutely necessary to employ the most precise system of sounding. What must be especially marked about the movie sound system is the background for the dialogues of the lead characters. Considered as the accidental noises, the creak of a door, the water rustlin g in the bathroom or the sound of someone’s breath was designed to emphasize the atmosphere of the movie, so tense and thought-provoking, making the audience think what is going to happen in the next couple of minutes. The Way People See It Although Videocracy was the only work of Eric Gandini which gained the worldwide recognition, the film director had a number of other works. However, taking a retrospective on Gandini’s works, it can be supposed that the previous films were the steps which slowly but surely led the film director to Videocracy. The peak of his creativity, Videocracy could be traced in every work of Gandini.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Although none of the previous works of Gandini touches upon the issue of political life, there is certain breeze of rebellion in the other works of his. For instance, in Sacrfiicio: Who Betrayed Che Guevara Eric Gandini also considers the issue of fame and notoriety, emphasizing that there is actually very little difference between the two. Another Gandini’s work where the premises of Videocracy could be traced is Surplus: Terrorized into Being Consumers, is interconnected with Videocracy even more closely. Considering fanaticism and loyalty to certain famous personalities in Videocracy, Gandini actually develops the idea which he expressed in Surplus. Taking into consideration these movies, one must admit that the idea of Videocracy as the continuation of these topics and their further development into another set of ideas is quite plausible. In spite of the fact that the depth of the movie allows several interpretations, it seems that there is the one which fits the movie b est. Making people see the life of the famous personalities as it is, without the specks of glamour caught in the focus of the camera, Gandini makes it clear that the impact of the TV on people’s course of thoughts has become increasingly shocking and even frightening. Helping the audience understand the absurdity of believing in what is pouring out of the TV-set right into people’s minds, Gandini suggests a â€Å"pill†which will heal the TV-addicts from their weird mania. Conclusion With help of the specific means of sounding and arranging the scenes of the movie into a sequence which made a double sense and made the plot more complicated, Eric Gandini created a movie which explored the popular topic in an unorthodox method. Although the topic which Gandini chose as the key idea of his movie was rather beaten track for the modern cinema, the way in which he mirrored the life of celebrities’ and their fans was more than merely creating another vision of the popular problem – it was in fact the revelation for the audience. Employing special techniques of sounding system which added a specific air to the movie, Gandini made the movie stand out of the range of Italian movies. In spite of the fact that the means which the movie director used were rather conventional and time-tested, he broke a new ground in the movie-making with help of the original way in which he conveyed his ideas to the public. Considering the idea of TV-addiction and the plausibility of the information which TV suggests, Gandini raised quite a topical issue. Works Cited Barsam, Richard. Looking at the Movies. W. W. Norton EBook Reader. N.D. Kawin, Bruce F. How Movies Work. Thousand Oaks, CA: University of California Press, 1992. Print. LOBrutto, Vincent. Sound-on-Film: Interviews with Creators of Film Sound. Westport, CN: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1994. Print. This essay on Videocracy: A Double-Sided Sword for the Fame-Hungry was written and submitted by user Gisselle R. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
The History of the Cabbage Patch Kids Dolls
The History of the Cabbage Patch Kids Dolls During the 1983 Christmas season, parents in the United States frantically searched everywhere for the coveted Cabbage Patch Kids dolls. While many stores had extremely long waiting lists, others had a first-come first-serve policy, which led to shocking, vicious fights between potential buyers. By the end of the year, approximately three million Cabbage Patch Kids dolls had been adopted. The Cabbage Patch Kids frenzy of 1983 was to be the first of many such holiday-season, toy frenzies in the years to come. What Is a Cabbage Patch Kids Doll? In 1983, a Cabbage Patch Kids doll was a 16-inch doll, usually with a plastic head, a fabric body, and yarn hair (unless it was bald). What made them so desirable, besides the fact that they were huggable, was both their supposed uniqueness and their adoptability. It was claimed that each Cabbage Patch Kids doll was unique. Different head molds, eye shapes and colors, hair styles and colors, and clothing options did make each one look different than the other. This, plus the fact that inside each Cabbage Patch Kids box came a birth certificate with that particular kids first and middle name on it, made the dolls as individual as the kids who wanted to adopt them. The official Cabbage Patch Kids story tells of a young boy named Xavier Roberts, who was led by a Bunnybee through a waterfall, down a long tunnel, and out into a magical land where a cabbage patch grew little children. When he was asked to help, Roberts agreed to find loving homes for these Cabbage Patch Kids. The real Xavier Roberts, who invented the Cabbage Patch Kids dolls, had no trouble adopting out his dolls in 1983, for real kids around the country vied to be one of the few whose parents were able to buy them one. The Real Story Behind the Cabbage Patch Dolls The real history of Cabbage Patch Kids dolls had little to do with Bunnybees; instead, the real story began with 21-year-old Xavier Roberts, who, when he was an art student, came up with the beginning doll idea in 1976. By 1978, Roberts joined up with five of his school friends and started a company called the Original Appalachian Artworks, Inc., which sold the entirely plush, hand-made Little People dolls (the name was to change later). Roberts would travel to arts and craft shows to sell his dolls, which already had the signature adoption aspect to them. The dolls were a hit even with the first buyers and soon orders started to pour in. By 1981, Roberts and his dolls were being written about in many magazines, even appearing on the cover of Atlantic Weekly. In 1982, Roberts and his friends were unable to keep up with the orders and thus signed a contract with Coleco, a toy manufacturer, who could mass produce the dolls, which were now to have plastic heads and be called Cabbage Patch Kids. By the following year, Coleco couldnt keep up either. Kids were demanding the doll, causing a buying frenzy at the end of 1983. A Few Things You Dont Know About Cabbage Patch Kids Dolls Later, when Hasbro took over manufacturing (1989 to 1994), the dolls shrunk down to 14 inches tall. Mattel, which manufactured Cabbage Patch Kids from 1994 to today also kept the smaller, 14-inch size. On the left-side of every dolls tush, you can find the signature of Cabbage Patch Kids inventor, Xavier Roberts. However, what you might not know is that just about every year the dolls were made, the color of the signature changed. For instance, in 1983, the signature was black but in 1993 it was forest green. If you are an avid fan of Cabbage Patch Kids, you can go visit the Babyland General Hospital and see the birth of a doll. Located in Cleveland, Georgia, the large, Southern-style house holds thousands of Cabbage Patch Kids dolls. Be forewarned, it is highly unlikely that you could bring kids here and escape without buying them a doll. Do you have a Cabbage Patch Kids doll in your garage that youre hoping will eventually bring you lots of money? Check out the Doll Collecting site at to find out if what you have is worth anything.
Friday, February 21, 2020
The Great Pyramid of Giza Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Great Pyramid of Giza - Essay Example This paper thoroughly examines technical aspects of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Architecture has been one of the influential factors that contributed to the recognition of certain Wonders of the World. In this case, the geometry, astronomy, technology, engineering and governance are also major factors that allowed the architecture to be erected and made in its huge size and complexity. How are these relevant and important in the discussion? These are the ones that can be considered products of intellectual creativity and has become pivotal for the completion and erection of the pyramid until where it stands up until now. Triangular form of the building is a design formulated by Khufu to show a possible connection with the astrological practices of the people during that time. At the same time, the temple’s design is an assertion of the association made by Khufu during his rule with the Egyptian God Ra. The ladder style of the pyramid is a connotation Khufu in identifying himself of equal status with Ra. The triangular shape shows superiority of a supreme divine entity. The paper concludes that the Great Pyramid of Giza is, in totality, undeniably one of the greatest Wonders of the World: something that should be respected and preserved as times progress without leaving much imprint about the lessons of the past. The pyramid’s existence is just a reminder of what the foundations of the great things that our society knows and has nowadays.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Health Policy and Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Health Policy and Politics - Essay Example These are remarkable benefits surfacing the prevailing health care reform program of the government. However, amidst all of these good promises, there still remain rumors and continuing negative feedbacks about this program. This leaves a place to reconsider this issue. The Congressional Budget Office projected that the deficit under health care budget is said to reduce in the years to come. In fact, the projection is for each family to save maximum of $2,300 in 2014 with health care reform (, 2011). This amount could hardly be achieved without health care reform program as indicated in the projection. There might be some truth to this. However, there are other essential environmental factors that need to be taken into account. Considering for instance the unpredictability of the economy, the costs of medicines and other related medical needs cannot be projected at some point. This only implies that the said reform needs to adhere to the prevailing economic condition and other relevant environmental factors prior to the realization of what affordability really means to people. It is true that with health care reform program the expansion of coverage is remarkable compared to the traditional health care system. In fact, young adults can now actually stay on their parents’ health insurance plan (, 2011). This sounds good to hear, but there are other considerations when it comes to the bottom line. Insurers for instance do not just operate without taking into account how much profit they should make. Considering the dependents are increasing, there are only two remarkable impacts on this. The first is to increase member contribution and the other would be to put certain limit on the coverage or even cut something on the quality. This can still provide the benefits but the issue is about maximizing them. The people always have the final say on
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Asda Stores Ltd Is A British Supermarket Marketing Essay
Asda Stores Ltd Is A British Supermarket Marketing Essay In the year 1999 ASDA became a subsidiary of the American retail giant Wal-Mark the worlds largest retailer, and is now known to be the second largest chain in the UK. A survey done in December 2010 showed that 16.5% of UK grocery shoppers used ASDA for their main shopping needs, as they were attracted to ASDAs special offers. ASDAs marketing promotions have most of the time been on its price. They have been known as Britains lowest priced supermarket for the past thirteen years. Since ASDA is a fully owned part of Wal-Mart, it does not required to declare quarterly or half-yearly earnings, and submits full accounts to Companies House each October. Organizational Structure and Culture Organizational Structure ASDAs organizational structure is a hierarchical structure. This is because it has a lot of employees working in various departments of the company. Therefore there information has to pass through many people before it can reach the store manager. For an example, a co worker has to report to the supervisor, the supervisor has to report to the assistant manager/manager, the assistant manager/manager reports to the store manager. A hierarchical structure has many levels. Each level is controlled by one person. A hierarchical company tends to be a very big company just like ASDA. ASDA culture ASDAs culture is unique from other organizations in many ways. ASDA has a team of over one hundred and seventy thousand working across the business. All employees wear a name badge, and have daily huddles to keep up to date on their performance. They strictly follow three beliefs that are, service to our customers, respect for the individual, strive for excellence. ASDA believes that their customers are at the heart of everything they do and that their purpose is to make sure that all their goods and services to be as affordable as possible. They strongly believe that it is a culture to work as one team to support their stores, drawing on the strengths and experiences of individuals and sharing them with each other. When it comes to ASDAs attitude, they believe in commitment, where great ideas can be put into action. They like to find out ways to do things, rather than looking for reasons not to do them. ASDA believes in huddles, and uses it to keep everyone informed about the business performance. They use huddles to communicate their key activities for the day and help them remain focused and achieve the set goal for the day. Huddles also give them the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate team and individual success. Every employee working at ASDA group Ltd wears a name badge. They believe that it makes it easier to be approached when wearing a name badge. ASDA holds The Big Bruch which is their quarterly huddle that is held at the ASDA House in Leeds. This gives the employees the opportunity to share important information in a fun and relaxed way. Normally the Big Bruch starts with a performance in the ASDA Houses atrium. Staffs working at ASDA are not pressurized to wear a jacket, as they believe that jackets are a barrier to be approached. ASDA believes in something called the ten foot rule, where if someone is within ten feet from an employee, it can be anyone, either another employee or a customer or a supplier, they should always say hello. They believe that it helps build an atmosphere of friendliness and respect, and after all it only takes a second. Business Model ASDAs business model is quite similar to any other big organizations business model, although the online business can be a little more complex. ASDAs e-commerce platforms support online shopping for both general merchandise (George clothing) and as well as groceries. The grocery business is operates out of one hundred and seventy five stores, and delivers to the local areas within each store, where they use nine-hundred delivery vehicles to cover up to 95% of all UK postcodes. The ASDA Direct business trades around seven hundred and fifty thousand stocked and stockless products in partnership with other third party and carrier specialists. Currently they do home deliveries, but have plans for the future, where the customer will also have the option to place the order online and pick it up from any ASDA store. They launched their first ASDA Direct catalogue in October 2010 and plan to use this to market the proposition ongoing. Global Visibility ASDA Stored Ltd is a huge scale business, but may not be as big as the new Super Stores, where you can find other additional facilities like launderettes etc. But ASDA is known to be a huge scale business as they provide services in many different sectors. While retailing in groceries and general merchandise, they also have a travel and insurance section, pharmacy section, opticians section and also their own mobile network provider. ASDA has two hundred and ninety three stores operating in the UK and has over one hundred and seventeen thousand employees. They also have many stores abroad in different countries but operate under different names, but sell the same products. Business Alliances Major business alliance of ASDA is George Davies partnership. All the clothing section of ASDA is Georges. The partnership was started in 65 stores in February 1989. ASDA became a part of wal-mart group in the year 1999. Business Process ASDAs business process is structured of four types: Customers Operating Model Colleagues Shareholders (i) Customers When it comes to their customers, ASDA believes in Treating the customers happily. Keeping the goods available to the customers at any time. Providing best quality of goods. Providing the products cheaply. (ii) Operational Model Maintain prices lower when compared to other competitors. Maintaining lower prices at any circumstances. (iii) Colleagues Providing good environment at the work place. Willing to work with others in a professional way. (iv) Shareholders Maintaining new formats Enriching return on investment Step 02 SWOT Analysis for ASDA I N T E R N A L Strengths Cost advantage Can afford to lower prices to attract new customers. Innovation Online growth Online shopping becoming a lot more popular and ASDA has a good secure website. Loyal customers Loyal customers coming back again and again purchasing from the business Strong brand equity Strong financial position Supply chain Pricing Affiliation to Wal-Mart Mini Cafes (Restaurants) Weaknesses Quality of food substandard Not having petrol stations(Tesco etc has) No Express stores (Tesco etc has) No stores abroad with same name E X T E R N A L Opportunities Product and services expansion Takeovers Diversity to Petrol stations Opening Express Stores Expansion abroad by opening stores abroad with same name Threats Competition Economic slowdown External changes (government, politics, taxes, etc) Exchange rate fluctuations Price wars Product substitution Porters Five Forces Model POTENTIAL ENTRANTS (Treat of Mobility) SUPPLIERS (Supplier Power) BUYERS (Buyer Power) SUBSTITUTES (Treat of Substitutes) INDUSTRY RIVALRY Industry Rivalry Current Competitors: Tesco, Sainsbury, Marks and Spenser Growing industry possibility of new competitors Customers have low switching costs Fixed cost are high resulting huge production and reduction in prices Exit barriers are high and rivals stay and compete Possible Solution for ASDA to avoid competitive rivalry between their competitors (Tesco etc): They should avoid price competition ASDA should differentiate their products By reducing industry over-capacity They should focus on different segments Also they should communicate with their competitors New Entrants Potential competitors with capital requirements to start a business is less Selling of same/similar products or services Customers can easily switch (low switching costs) Price competition Possible ways that ASDA may reduce the threat of new entrants By increasing sales efficiency Have alliances with other products and services Create a brand image (they do have it) By tying up with their suppliers By typing up with their distributers End users/buyers Buyers purchasing in bulk quantity No differentiation in products Buyers can easily switch to competitors product Price sensitive buyers Very low cost (would think twice) Possible ways for ASDA to reduce the bargaining power of their customers ASDA should increase their customer loyalty Use of customer relationship management By increasing incentives and value added services for their customers Suppliers Suppliers being strong and well organized Suppliers can demand when not many suppliers of that particular product is available Suppliers can demand when they supply an effective or unique product When the switching cost of supplier is high When the supplier has captured the market Possible ways for ASDA to reduce the bargaining power of their suppliers ADSA should create partnerships with their suppliers ASDA should use a supply chain management Providing supply chain training By increasing dependency of supplier on them By building knowledge of their supplier costs and methods By taking of a supplier Substitutes Customers can switch when there are many substitute products available in the market When customers find the same product or service for a cheaper price elsewhere Better quality products found at a competitor Competitor earning high profits can reduce price of the substitute product to the lowest level Possible ways for ASDA to reduce the threats of their substitutes By increasing switching costs Having customer surveys to learn customer preferences Emphasize on differences Alliances with other companies Step 03 Bringing competitive advantage through cloud computing What is cloud computing? Cloud computing is an online form of computing and is closely associated with Web 2.0. It enables users to access applications using a browser, while the application is installed and stored along with the data on a server. This helps companies to reduce their capital costs, by not having the need to purchase software and hardware. Cloud computing has become a whole new form of computing where it allows thousands of users from all parts of the world to access something without the need of having to download and install them on their computers. Advantages of cloud computing Reduced cost. It would help ASDA Stores Ltd to receive secure, managed hosting at a very low cost. Also they are able to access it from any computer and still have the file they require. This also makes it easier for the company as they do not have to reproduce the software and ship out to all its branches. By using cloud computing it would help ASDA to reduce it cost and only pays a rent to the server space required. When ASDAs requirements grow they do not have to purchase any additional hardware in order to upgrade their servers, which may also help them keep the cost down. Cloud computing automatically updates the servers for the owners. Therefore owners no longer have to hire specialists to update their servers. Cloud computing is mobile. It lets its users at ASDA connect with any device, which means they can do their work from any part of the world as far as they have access to the internet. This could save time and also information to be up to date. ASDA users can log onto the network without having to download anything. This saves them time and hard drive space. An important feature of cloud computing is that companies share recourses. This means that they are allowed access to the resources via cloud computing. This also helps ASDA save time and money by placing all their resources in one place which makes it easy for its employees to access. It benefits ASDA to keep their files safe on their servers and less likely to be lost or stolen on a hard drive. The server will have an offsite backup in case something goes wrong. Therefore ASDA does not have to worry about losing any information. Disadvantages of cloud computing Additional cost of data transfer fees Another disadvantage about cloud computing is that you do not have control over the remote servers, their software, or their security The companys data is with a third-party company It may be hard to transfer large amounts of data from the provider. Transforming competitive advantage with social media What is social media? Social media integrates the online technology and methods through which people can share content, give their personal opinions and swap different perspectives. Social media website can be made up of many ways. They may include: Text often used to share opinions or post on blogs Images to share images and photos Audio allows you to create podcasts which users may download Video you may record a video and share it with everyone Nowadays some of the most popular types of social media websites are of: Social networking such websites allow you to create a profile of yourself and chat, discuss and also share information with others. A few examples of popular social networking sites are FaceBook, MySpace, Bebo. Wikis they are websites that lets you create, edit and share information on a particular subject or topic. An example of wikis is Wikipedia. Video Sharing you may upload and share videos with the web community. An example of such website is YouTube. Photo Sharing Users may upload pictures and images from their account and can share them with other users around the world. An example of such website is Flickr. News aggregation Provides a list of the latest news that is published by users from a range of different websites. An example of a news aggregation website is Digg. Social Bookmarking users of such sites are allowed to publicly bookmark web pages that they may find valuable or interesting and share them with other users. Online gaming Lets users do play games online. An example of online gaming is World of Warcraft. Presence apps Such websites lets users to post micro blog-like posts and tell others what they are doing. An example of such website is Twitter. Advantages of Social Media It is said that home shopping service serves 97% in the country. ASDA launched financial services such as providing personal loans, general insurance, life insurance and credit cards. Its aim is to take trouble out of financial planning and insurance and to offer cheap prices. ASDAs thinking about social media: Issues get alerted in a brilliant way. Informing things to head office and as well as store level. Strategy is enough for digital world, no need of digital strategy. Be prepared to face good or bad. Some future ways of ASDA Communication: ASDA may create blogs, in order to get feedback from customers etc. They may promote themselves through social networks such as facebook etc. They also may use multimedia or photography in order to advertise their company. And also could allow their customers to comment on their products. This way they may be able to see what their customers think about their products and services and may change it according to customer requirements. Can mobility bring competitive advantage? What is Mobility? Mobility solutions gives people the opportunity to access the companys information from anywhere in the world at anytime in a flawless and secure manner. By making information accessible from anywhere in the world, it can be guaranteed that employees would not have to wait for the data to reach them in other means when making an important decision. Another use of mobility applications is that it can be used to capture delayed or lost information. In the past mobility once used to refer to notebooks. Although notebooks have a positive side, they have several limitations to what they can do. They can be bulky to carry around, expensive, they require a data connection in order to connect to the internet and also most of the time have a low battery life. Nowadays most of us have replaced the use of notebooks with powerful, with a much longer battery life hand held devices such as PDAs and Smartphones. Users can connect to the internet from their cellular networks signal or may also have the option of connecting via Wi-Fi. In most companies Email is the most important application when it comes to mobility. Therefore in most companies the senior management have been equipped with Blackberry and other similar devices with push email technology, which helps easy access to their emails. Even the middle and junior level management can only benefit in mobility solutions in order to guarantee higher levels of productivity and efficiency. Mobility applications can consist of various functionalities such as Sales force autonation, customer relationship management, logistics tracking and planning, performance tracking, push alerts and much more. Using these types of applications can be as easy as typing SMS or as powerful as hi-tech applications running on Smartphones. Before a company can go ahead with the use of mobility solutions, it first needs to consider several restrictions. The company needs to first evaluate which of its business processes require the access to information (PCs). For an example the sales function where the staff requires the latest and accurate information, while having limited access to the companys IT network. After evaluating what business processes require access to information (PCs), the company then has to decide what form of applications they will consider. For some business processes of the company, plain SMS-based querying might be enough. This means the application may be installed on the existing mobile phone that most of the companys staff are having. But if the mobile phones do not have to complexity to hold such softwares, the company might have to provide complex machines such as PDAs or smartphones in order to be able to use such softwares. But for other business process in the company may need of much high tech equipment than a PDA or smartphone. But mobility can also sometimes have a negative side to it. Some employees would take a long time to get used to using such mobile devices, and some employees may not like using such devices, this may have a negative effect on the company. Since the devices are mobile, there are possibilities of thefts or losing the devices. And since it may contain valuable company information, it may be a huge concern to the company of losing such equipment. But to overcome such incidents and to protect their data, companies may install a password based access into the devices, and also have firewalls to avoid hacking. These are some possible ways of protecting the companys data. Step 04 Our business strategy for ASDA consists of three steps Analysis Integration Implementation (i) Anaysis In the analysis part, in order to develop a business strategy for ASDA, we are going to use the SWOT analysis we did in step 2. Using the SWOT analysis, it will help us gather, analyze and evaluate information and identify strategic options that ASDA is facing. We chose SWOT analysis to help develop a business strategy for ASDA because we believe that SWOT analysis is a very effective way of identifying the strengths and weaknesses, as well as examining the opportunities and treats that ASDA may face. Using the SWOT analysis framework, we have put in place what we believe are the Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of ASDA. Strengths and weaknesses are known to be internal while opportunities and threats are external. I N T E R N A L Strengths Cost advantage Can afford to lower prices to attract new customers. Innovation Online growth Online shopping becoming a lot more popular and ASDA has a good secure website. Loyal customers Loyal customers coming back again and again purchasing from the business Strong brand equity Strong financial position Supply chain Pricing Affiliation to Wal-Mart Mini Cafes (Restaurants) Weaknesses Quality of food substandard Not having petrol stations(Tesco etc has) No Express stores (Tesco etc has) No stores abroad with same name E X T E R N A L Opportunities Product and services expansion Takeovers Diversity to Petrol stations Opening Express Stores Expansion abroad by opening stores abroad with same name Threats Competition Economic slowdown External changes (government, politics, taxes, etc) Exchange rate fluctuations Price wars Product substitution (ii) Intergration Using this knowledge, we can now develop a plan of action by first matching the strengths and weaknesses with the opportunities in the external environment, and also oppose any possible threats that might create a danger to plans. A weakness seen in ASDA is that they do not have any petrol stations or any affiliated petrol stations. Their competitors like Tesco has their petrol stations and also other competitors have affiliated petrol stations where they can use discount coupons to get discounts on petrol. ASDA can use change this weakness into an opportunity. Since they are in a strong financial position, they can start their own petrol stations, or get together with a petrol station and sign a contract with them, where their customers can get discounts on petrol when they shop with ASDA. Another weakness ASDA faces is that they do not have any express stores like their competitor Tesco does. Taking into notice that they are in a strong financial position, having a good supply chain, low cost prices, and also being affiliated to wal-mart, they can use this weakness and change it into an opportunity by opening express stores. This could be a huge gain for ASDA. But by doing so, they should also take into consideration the threats they could face. Because when Tesco started their express stores they faced many issues with other shop owners and the government. Therefore ASDA first look into the external changes (government, politics, taxes etc). Although ASDA has stores abroad with other names with different spellings, that sell the exact same products. Most people would not know that it is a part of ASDA. When you look at ASDAs competitor Tesco, they have many stores in many other countries with the same company name. This helps them build up their company name and brand. Therefore if ASDA can also do the same and open stores abroad with its name they can build a better name recognition. And since they are affiliated to Wal-mart, and also currently having stores abroad with different spellings, they already have a good supply chain and structure active already. So it would be easy for ASDA to start its branches abroad with the same name. Since they already have stores abroad with different spellings which are active, the threats of starting business abroad are to a minimum. The possible threats they could have faced is the exchange rate fluctuations, price wars as other countries would have other local competitors etc. But since they already have stores operating abroad, it would be easier to start stores with their own ASDA name. Another possible opportunity that ASDA may consider is expansion of their products and services. Since they are an affiliation to wal-mart, which is considered to be the worlds largest retail company, this can be a positive thing for ASDA. And since they have much other strength like being in a strong financial position, affordable low cost prices, good supply chain, strong brand equity and loyal customers, it would be a good idea for them to expand the number of stores, and also introduce more services. For an example: a launderette. This would help the customers benefit more, as they can put their clothes to wash while they shop. By doing so, they would first have to look for any possible threats. For an example: Competition. They would have to first see if there is any other company specializing in this sort of business, who are offering low cost laundry services close to their stores and whether they would be any threat to ASDA. Another opportunity for ASDA could be takeovers. Since they are in a strong financial position, and a well reputable company, they should see if they can buy over any possible companies that they see could be a possible threat in the future. (iii ) Implementation After matching up the strengths and weaknesses with the opportunities while taking into consideration the possible threats that can affect the plan, we now move onto the implementation part. In this section, ASDA will have individual teams that will have respective roles in bringing the strategy to succeed, by applying specific tactics that is developed in order to support the strategy. So by appointing different teams to work on different subsections of the business strategy, this could help the implementation stage to be a success. Since ASDA is not sure how the results would turn out to be, it is not wise for ASDA to spend a lot of money and time at once into starting something new. Therefore, as a trial, they should first start it on a small scale, and according to its progress they should then decide whether it is going to benefit the company or not. In order to see the progress of the implementation of the new strategies, ASDA will include a measurement module. This is derived from the overall goals established to accomplish the business mission. The goals are broken down, by the new business and the time estimated to accomplish them. The business strategy will include a module to periodically evaluate the current progress against goals. Based according on how well the business strategy has led to goal achievement, the strategic analysis process is repeated to adjust the strategy as required. Theme we selected In order for ASDA to achieve their goals, we believe that social media will bring the most competitive advantage out of the three themes. This is because; ASDA is already a well established company and has a well balanced infrastructure with all the necessary technology and people to operate them. Although cloud computing and mobility also have their positive sides, for an example, in cloud computing, a company does not have keep buying new servers as their business grows, and do not have to spend a lot of money in updating the software and installing new servers etc, and with the use of mobility, according to the business process they can provide their staff with various mobile devices to carry out their tasks to cut down on time etc. But as said before ASDA is not a new company and has been in operation for many years. Therefore they have already invested in all the necessary technology and people they need. If ASDA was a new company it might have been a good option to consider either cloud computing or mobility as they would not have to spend a lot of money on servers etc and pay for only what they require. Since ASDA already has the necessary technology and people, they have to focus on ways to improve their business. This includes what options are there to improve their business, what their customers think about their current products and services, their competitors etc. So by using social media, they are able to achieve this. They are able to advertise their products in many different ways and also get good feedback from their customers, which will help them to know whether their customers are satisfied with their products and services and change it according to the customer requirements. Some ways they could use social media is by having blogs where customers can write on. This is a good way to know what their customers think about their products. This way issues get alerted in a brilliant way, and they are able to cater according to the customer needs. They also may promote themselves through social networking, which also is a good and effective way. These are some of the ways they can use social media to improve on their business. Then according to their customer feedback, they can start implementing the opportunities which they gathered in the SWOT analysis by converting the weaknesses into opportunities with the help of their strengths while taking into consideration the possible threats they may face. Then they could also move onto having a social network within the organization, where they can have a blog where employees within the company can share their thoughts and ideas on how to improve their products and services to satisfy customer requirements.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Reader-oriented Theories and Their Application to Ernest Hemingway’s Hi
Reader-oriented Theories and Their Application to Ernest Hemingway’s Hills like white elephants From the very beginning of the literature people tended to criticize the literary works according to some certain criteria. Some critics claimed that the text itself is important and some other said the author and his style is the thing that should be focused on. Form and content were the other significant elements in the history of the literary criticism. In addition, the social and political influences of the time that the work was written were also considered as important. However the reader who reads the work and his thoughts and his interpretations were not as valuable as the other criteria until late 19th and early 20th century. From then on we come up with a new approach, reader-response. The aim of the present paper is to give some basic tenets of the reader-oriented theories and their application to the work â€Å"Hills like white elephants†by Ernest Hemingway. We can say that Reader-oriented theories have no single or predominant philosophical starting point. There are quite different writers that commented on the reader response and they belong to different traditions of thought. They seriously challenge the predominance of the text-oriented theories of New Criticism and Formalism. As for them it is impossible to talk about the meaning of a text without considering the reader’s contribution to it. We see an interesting explanation about reader-response criticism by Tompkins. She claims that â€Å"reader response criticism is not a conceptually unified critical position, but a term that has come to be associated with the work of critics who use the words reader, the reading process, and response to mark out an area for investig... ...n and fertile part of the country was a symbol of the productive part of the woman and the barren part is the symbol of the man who did not want the baby. And the other readers stated that these two different parts of the land were a reflection of the inner part of the woman. The reason for the man not to want a baby was considered as an obstacle for him to travel. It was observed that the woman readers were supporting the woman in the story and the man readers were supporting the man’s part of the argument... Finally we can say that the discussion in the class and the differences in the interpretations showed us clearly the differences between the perceptions of the readers on the same work. In the lights of the reader-oriented theories one can claim that there is no single truth or meaning derived from the text, the responses will change as the readers change.
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