Sunday, May 24, 2020
Of Discourse by Francis Bacon
In her book Francis Bacon: Discovery and the Art of Discourse (1974), Lisa Jardine argues that Bacons Essays fall squarely under the heading of presentation or method of discourse. They are didactic, in Agricolas sense of presenting knowledge to someone in a form in which it may be believed and assimilated. . . . Basically these essays communicate precepts for the guidance of personal conduct in public affairs, based on Bacons own political experience. In the essay titled Of Discourse, Bacon explains how a person can lead the dance without appearing to dominate a conversation. You may find it worthwhile to compare Bacons aphoristic observations with the lengthier reflections offered by Jonathan Swift in Hints Toward an Essay on Conversation and by Samuel Johnson in Conversation. Of Discourse Some in their discourse desire rather commendation of wit, in being able to hold all arguments, than of judgment, in discerning what is true; as if it were a praise to know what might be said, and not what should be thought. Some have certain common-places and themes, wherein they are good, and want variety; which kind of poverty is for the most part tedious, and, when it is once perceived, ridiculous. The honourablest part of talk is to give the occasion; and again to moderate and pass to somewhat else, for then a man leads the dance. It is good in discourse, and speech of conversation, to vary and intermingle speech of the present occasion with arguments, tales with reasons, asking of questions with telling of opinions, and jest with earnest: for it is a dull thing to tire, and as we say now, to jade any thing too far. As for jest, there be certain things which ought to be privileged from it; namely, religion, matters of state, great persons, any mans present business of importance , any case that deserveth pity; yet there be some that think their wits have been asleep, except they dart out somewhat that is piquant, and to the quick; that is a vein which would be bridled; Parce, puer, stimulis, et fortius utere loris.* And, generally, men ought to find the difference between saltness and bitterness. Certainly, he that hath a satirical vein, as he maketh others afraid of his wit, so he had need be afraid of others memory. He that questioneth much, shall learn much, and content much; but especially if he apply his questions to the skill of the persons whom he asketh; for he shall give them occasion to please themselves in speaking, and himself shall continually gather knowledge; but let his questions not be troublesome, for that is fit for a poser; and let him be sure to leave other men their turns to speak: nay, if there be any that would reign and take up all the time, let him find means to take them oft, and to bring others on, as musicians use to do with those that dance too long galliards. If you dissemble sometimes your knowledge of that you are thought to know, you shall be thought, another time, to know that you know not. Speech of a mans self ought to be seldom, and well chosen. I knew one w as want to say in scorn, He must needs be a wise man, he speaks so much of himself: and there is but one case wherein a man may commend himself with good grace, and that is in commending virtue in another, especially if it be such a virtue whereunto himself pretendeth. Speech of touch towards others should be sparingly used; for discourse ought to be as a field, without coming home to any man. I knew two noblemen, of the west part of England, whereof the one was given to scoff, but kept ever royal cheer in his house; the other would ask of those that had been at the others table, Tell truly, was there never a flout or dry blow given? To which the guest would answer, Such and such a thing passed. The lord would say, I thought he would mar a good dinner. Discretion of speech is more than eloquence; and to speak agreeable to him with whom we deal, is more than to speak in good words, or in good order. A good continued speech, without a good speech of interlocution, shows slowness; and a good reply, or second speech, without a good settled speech, showeth shallowness and weakness. As we see in beasts, that those that are weakest in the course, are yet nimblest in the turn: as it is betwixt the greyhound and the hare. To use too many circumstances, ere one come to the matter, is wearisome; to use none at all, is blunt. Â (1625) * Spare the whip, boy, and hold tighter the reins (Ovid, Metamorphoses).
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Ranking Colleges, Can It Be Unbiased - 1335 Words
The article on â€Å"Rank Colleges, But Rank Them Right has several strong points, one of which is the need for rankings motivated by the increasing demand by students and their parents for credible ranking data. The author, David Leonhardt, effectively appeals to the reader via three avenues: ethos, logos, and pathos. As a columnist, as well as managing editor for the New York Times, Leonhardt is plain spoken and analytical in his data laced commentary on ranking colleges. Included in his summary, lending credibility to the value of and need for rankings are in the following statements: Today the United States ranks ninth among industrialized nations in higher education attainment...; America used to be considered to be â€Å"the most†¦show more content†¦The author points this out in a statement made by Richard R. Beeman, a historian and former dean at the University of Pennsylvania, â€Å"The very idea that universities with very different institutional cultures and program priorities can be compared, and that the resulting ranking can be useful to students, is highly problematic.†One of Leonhard’s weak ethos claims regarding the credibility of rankings emerges in his stating, Measuring how well students learn is incredibly difficult, but there are some worthy efforts being made.†However, the citing he makes of researchers at Indiana Universities further clouds the objectivity needed for unbiased ranking, because students are asked â€Å"how they spend their time and how engaged they are in their education, while another group is measuring whether students become better writes and problem solvers during their college years.†Here Leonhardt artistically uses persuasion and logical reasoning to point out that the measuring tools are subjective, hardly noteworthy of credible rankings for colleges. The author convincingly argues the need for more accurate rankings for universities in this statement â€Å"that can’t rest on a brand name (i.e., his alma mater, Yale). The ones that did well would be rewarded with applications from just the sort of students universities supposedly want --- ones who are willing to keep an open mind and be persuaded by evidence.†U.S. News and World Report have reported rankings since theShow MoreRelatedAmerica Is Not The Greatest Country1547 Words  | 7 Pagestelling him, â€Å"It isn’t.†This persuades him to give his true opinion, and the anchor continues with a speech about why he feels this way. Will McAvoy uses bipartisan journalism to give the audience the impression that his approach on the subject is unbiased to distract them from his anti-American argument. The film begins with a rant between the characters on stage with little relation to the topic of the film. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Observing The Setup Of The Classroom - 920 Words
On December 4, 2015 we observed the class for which we developed this response plan. Our main objective was to observe the setup of the classroom as well as the different instructional tools the teacher used to enhance her teaching. In addition, we wanted to see what strategies the teacher implemented to help the ELL and autistic students and see if they were similar to what had in our plan. Upon arriving, we observed that the teacher, Ms. Schmitt, had a large classroom with enough space for groups of students to work together. At the front of the classroom, was the teacher’s desk with a smart board behind it. Several other white boards filled the rest of the wall space. The board on the left was used mostly for instructional purposes while the two on the right were filled with vocabulary and important announcements such as upcoming tests dates. The extra space allowed the teacher to interact with all the students individually. Also, we noted that the teacher had placed the E LL students near the front of the room where she could easily help them or ask them to help each other. The students on the Autism spectrum where located near the back of the classroom where they had more room to work with their aids. However, none of these students were completely isolated from the teacher or rest of the class. Rather all of the students were able to easily interact with one another. At the beginning of class the teacher had the students review material from the previous day’s lessonShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Teacher Collaboration1326 Words  | 6 Pagesgoal and shared understanding are important aspects of teacher collaboration. The notion refers to the teacher to teacher interaction regarding instructional and curriculum matters, student evaluation, planning and performing lesson together, and observing peer practice and providing feedback. Research studies often hymn teacher collaboration as a means of improving teachers practice and professionalism, students’ gain and school improvement. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed method approaches areRead More Early Childhood Education Observation1946 Words  | 8 Pagesthe school bell to ring. Walking to the classroom that I will be observing you see students with their parent’s line up waiting to get signed in. The students are to be signed in by a parent or guardian for safety precautions, and shows that the child was signed into school. As a visitor, I am to sign myself in, this shows I was in the classroom, at what time was I there, and reason for visiting the classroom. Introducing myself to Mrs. Smith the classroom teacher, and Mrs. Brown the teaching assistant;Read MoreA Brief Note On Vygotsky And Vygotsky s Theory1497 Words  | 6 Pagesis well known for his social learning, the ZPD and collaborative learning. 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By observing the books they have on the shelves, posters they hang in front and inside their office, to even the way organize their work. It’s practically a summary of their academic achievement, likes and dislikes, and motivations. By understanding differentRead MoreThe Theory Of Operant Conditioning And The Skinner Box1707 Words  | 7 Pagesnegative is added to a situation to decrease bad behavior. B.F. Skinner had a significant influence on education. He believed that behavior can only be changed through learning. His discoveries through operant conditioning can be used in education in classrooms today. When a child’s behavior starts to change, that is a signal to the teacher that the child has learned from previous experiences. For example wh en a child raises his or her hand to be called on in class, they wait patiently because the studentRead MoreTeaching Forward : Ed 105 My Middle School Field Experience Essay1618 Words  | 7 Pagesthe eighth grade class who were reading at a first grade level. The â€Å"Reading Club†was instructed by myself in a small library classroom down the hall from their regular class. We went over the same materials, but did it in a fashion that made the boys more compelled to learn by giving them more one-on-one instruction time without completely excluding them from the classroom. The â€Å"Reading Club†became something positive that the boys enjoyed each week. We worked on projects, read chapters in The HungerRead MoreLearning Theories That Can Be Understood And Enforced By Administrators1676 Words  | 7 Pagesothers find it beneficial to stick to one main learning theory (Faiella, 2013). There are behavioral, social, and cognitive theories of learning. Teachers develop these learning theories from personal experiences, experimentation, research, and observing other individual techniques (Wang, 2012). However one comes about developing their learning theories, they use them to better their direction when teaching. Without direction and focus, instruction can be a disarray of information that does notRead MoreEducational Approaches The Froebel And Montessori Methods1577 Words  | 7 Pagesto be a guide to a child’s education and through the journey of learning. Teachers should not be viewed as keepers of knowledge but as someone on the educational journey with the child. The third thing stressed was that the learning environment/classroom should only give the illusion that it is designed for free play for the child. In reality to the teacher it should actually be a very prepared environment. Present always should be the tools to best serve the child’s educational needs and developing
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Leadership and Management Development Skills and Attributes
Question: Discuss about theLeadership and Management Developmentfor Skills and Attributes. Answer: Table Analysis Summary analysis of the knowledge, skills and attributes required of the candidates for the position of Director of Strategy, Marketing, and Public Relations at the Blue Riband Snacks Ltd. Name James McKay Greta Green Emily Schneider Ranking 1st 2nd 3rd Education knowledge BSC (Hons) First Class in Marketing from University of Strathclyde and an MSc in International Business (H1) from Griffith College. 8/10 BA (Hons) First Class in Modern Languages and Business from Trinity College Dublin and MBA from Harvard Business School 6/10 BSc (Hons) Upper Second in Accounting from Queens University Belfast (QUB) and MBA from Griffith College. 5/10 Soft knowledge Friendly, highly sociable, people centered 3/5 Builds consensus, very loyal to the company, honest 3/5 Motivational, people oriented, mentor 5/5 Family given Skills Married with two children - entrenches patience, sense of responsibility. 3/3 Married with one child - entrenches patience, sense of responsibility. 3/3 Unmarried, has a partner 2/3 Formal and Informal on-the-job learning Participated in the development of new brands which meant-research. Informal learning through his juniors and superiors at Blue Riband Snacks. Member of Marketing Institute of Ireland, and represents Ireland on the Board of the European Federation of Marketing. 5/5 Comes from enterprising background most likely that Entrepreneurship skills have been part of her growth to adult. Fifteen year experience at Blue Riband Snacks informal learning from her superiors and juniors. Engages in research being head of the research unit 5/5 Vast experience gained through informal learning having been Co-owner and CEO of Choconoux. A company whose products are considered to be in same consumer group with snacks. Gained informal training by learning through her colleagues at work and her superiors. 5/5 Managerial positions held or Equivalent. Worked as assistant Brand Manager for Diageo for five years. Assistant Brand for Snaxy brand of crisps for one year. Current Brand manager Snaxy. Note Snaxy is the premier brand of Blue Riband Snacks accounting for 38% of total annual revenue being realized by the Blue Riband Snacks Ltd. The brand comes in Potato, Corn and Vegetable varieties. 9/10 Assistant accounts manager for Blue Riband Snacks in various countries including Germany and United Kingdom. Financial controller for continental European Division of the business. Manager research and Development Division Brand Manager for Blue Riband Biscuit Brand responsible for 12% of the companys revenues. 6/10 Chief Executive officer Choconoux. During this time she and her co-owner managed to grew sales of the brand achieving average growth rate of 30% in the year 2010 through 2015. 6/10 Member/Professional bodies/ qualifications Associate member of European Federation of Marketing Associations. Member Marketing Institute of Ireland. 3/5 Chartered Accountant. Member Continental European Division of business. 2/4 - 0/4 Physical Traits Language proficiency Tall, healthy, fit, regular tennis player and hiker. 2/2 English (C2), Irish (C1), Swedish (B1). 2/4 Attractive, healthy, fit, regularly attends gym. 2/2 English (C2), Irish (B2), French (C1), German (C2), Spanish (C1). 4/4 Tall, healthy, athletic, runner and sailor. 2/2 English (C2), French (C1), German (C2), Swedish (B1). 3/4 Style of working and personality Has a reputation for always achieving his goal People-oriented who achieves objectives through others Has an ability to create a positive culture. Empowers others. 4/6 Someone who thinks about the long term Builds consensus Achieves things through authority and authentic leadership 4/6 Good at planning and sticking to the rules A social architect, generally motivational Always achieves the bottom line. People oriented, Good in crisis solving 4/6 Finale grading/ Score 41/50 82% 35/50 70% 30/50 60% James McKay is the most suitable candidate for the position of Director of Strategy, Marketing and Public Relations based on the outcome of the above knowledge, skills and attributes ratings. The role entails considerable high level of workload on marketing and strategic planning. The business deals with consumables which are associated with quite volatile market stability in terms of public perception. The incumbent should therefore be highly knowledgeable in marketing and has consumer taste, a fact very well demonstrated by James Mckay being the brand manger of the companies premier brand. (Mooradian, Matzler and Ring, 2012) Mr. James also boasts of impressive academic records as well as an MBA in International business a trait that marries well with the companies of objective of expanding her market to other foreign countries like Germany, Nordic countries Austria, Spain and Portugal within three years. According to Maslows the theory of Human Motivation, human beings tend get motivated when in friendly environment. This is an important factor that Mr. James brings into the team. The workforce, behind any successful company is motivated and hardworking employees. (Kerin and Peterson, 2001) The incumbent will also most likely be the next Blue Riband Snacks CEO once the current CEO exists. It therefore important that the holder of this role be someone who his /her colleague thinks the future of the company is secured. This especially important to mitigate the prevailing low moral among the company workforce as demonstrated by the research which concluded that a paltry 38% of the workforce thinks the company has a future. This trait is well demonstrated by Mr. James going by the reports that people thinks that Mr. James is likely to become a CEO in future or own his own company. (Wilson and Gilligan, 2005) Vision, Mission and Values A draft Vision, Mission Statement and Statement of Values for Blue Riband Snacks Draft Vision To Position ourselves as the top brand in Snacks market with cutting edge customer satisfaction and well known snack brands within Ireland, Europe and in the world. Draft Mission Statement To continue with our expertise in snacks, a tradition of best quality and taste and consumer driven approach motivated by our strong desire to leave a fulfilling experience with our customers every time they use our products. Draft Statement of Values Quality Products We honor our promise to always produce quality products in the most hygienic way within our service level agreement. Innovative We always expand our brands and come up with new ones in response to customer needs and taste preference from time to time. Efficient We constantly improve our efficiency to have sustainable value addition for highest return on investment possible to our stakeholders. Teamwork The company recognizes our collective efforts of all employees by providing support to each other for optimization. Recommendation Recommended personal and professional development plan for the highest ranked candidate, Mr. James Macky The director will also need to further learn and develop skills on marketing intelligence. This is because the competition always improves on their quality of products and customer. This is a continuous exercise by observing consumer behaviors and conducting training to his sales team right from agents, to brand managers to keep them abreast with the current and latest changes in the market. The company also plans to open retail outlets and caf market intelligent skills will help the director to advice the company where best to set up these outlets. (Gilligan and Wilson, 2003) James should progressively work on his emotions when the team doesnt meet the sales targets assigned. This is phenomenon that is very much likely to happen anytime and if the Director of Strategy, Marketing and Public Relation will be loosing his cool every time targets are not meet, then that is likely to demoralize the employees further considering recent research which reported low morale among the employees of the company. There is no specific time line on this personal development but Mr. James is always expected to be more stable emotionally especially when targets have not been met. He can engage a professional on emotion like a counselor who can then advice him on how best to handle a crisis. The candidate needs to learn and develop professional knowledge and skills in accounting by enrolling in professional courses in accounting within two years. The rational for this that he is likely successor of the current company CEO. Apart from marketing and posting impressive performance in sales the CEO must have deep understanding of the financial position of the company. The CEO advices the board on matters expansion and other major projects that the company is likely to initiate. It is therefore important that the advice is financially sound to avoid leading the company in incurring bad investments that affects cash flow and smooth running of the business. The cost for this development can be met by the candidate or the board may decide to sponsor him. (Jensen and Ronit, 2013) The candidate needs to learn and understand the market dynamics of the healthier sugar free snacks within one year. The rational for this is that when the Blue Riband Snacks Company has a vision to develop this product and wrest fro its market share. He needs to learn what the consumption trend of this product is. The most preferred brand currently in the market and what makes consumers prefer the said brand. The company will need to commission a research on this front using available resources like the brand managers. The brand managers can interview consumers observe the product in the market and note any important aspect noticed. The candidate also needs develop skills and knowledge in oversees markets in Germany, the Nordic countries, Austria, Spain and Portugal. These are the target markets for the company within the next three years. He should learn these skills within the next one year for Germany, the Nordic countries and Austria markets and within two years for Spain and Portugal. These markets provide new challenges because the company doesnt have experience in them as of now but will need it all within the next three years when it plans to have entered these markets. The company can utilize markets consultants in the respective areas to provide the insights. References Acuff, D. and Reiher, R. (2014). What kids buy. [Place of publication not identified]: Free Press. Gilligan, C. and Wilson, R. (2003). Strategic marketing planning. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann. Grunes, B. and Yoakam, L. (2004). Diabetes snacks, treats, easy eats. Chicago: Surrey Books. Jensen, J. and Ronit, K. (2013). Food Industry Firms' Economic Incentives to Provide Nutritional Information to the Market: European Breakfast Cereals, Snacks, and Soft Drinks Industries. Journal of International Food Agribusiness Marketing, 25(3), pp.209-224. Jovanovic, A. (2012). PR in culture - culture in PR. Kultura, (136), pp.325-339. Kerin, R. and Peterson, R. (2001). Strategic marketing problems. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Lane, N. (2009). Special issue: strategic sales and strategic marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 17(3-4), pp.189-190. Mooradian, T., Matzler, K. and Ring, L. (2012). Strategic marketing. Boston, MA: Pearson Prentice Hall. Proctor, T. (2000). Strategic marketing. London: Routledge. Wilson, R. and Gilligan, C. (2005). Strategic marketing management. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann.
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